Pavel Burian posts - Czech Points

Pavel Burian

August 28, 2019 Politics

Zeman warns diplomats not to criticize foreign officials over human rights abuses

Zeman warns diplomats not to criticize foreign officials over human rights abuses - Czech Points

President Zeman told a gathering of Czech ambassadors today that discussing human rights with foreign leaders is unproductive. The ambassadors have all returned to Prague to attend their annual meeting this week.

Zeman told the diplomats that he was against admonishing foreign officials over human rights violations. “They will either be amused or frown. And it will cause useless damage to tourism.”

The President also emphasized the importance of economic diplomacy.

Zeman said he is often called Russian-Chinese agent for his efforts to promote trade with those countries. “In that case, all world politicians would want to be Russian-Chinese agents,” he said.